Easter happened. I baked a cake:
It was OK. Not great. The cake recipe was too spongy for something this structured, and the icing was not unlike sweetened Elmer's glue. I'm still on the hunt for a suitable diabetic-friendly frosting recipe; suggestions are welcome and encouraged. If anybody's dying for the bunny cake recipe, let me know, and I'll dig it out. Otherwise, moving on.
So, after Easter, grad school EXPLODED! There was no time for baking, friends, eating, talking, or breathing. We did, however, manage to squeeze in a trip to Chicago to visit the new nephew...and he helped me write my masters paper:

Finally, I finished the masters paper and went out for celebratory hashbrowns at Waffle House:
Then I graduated:
And somewhere along the way, I made these awesome (if slightly too sweet) brownies:
(Recipe provided upon request)
And that's pretty much been the past two months. And now, on to the present! Coming up next I bring you: MOCHA FUDGE CAKE! Stay tuned.
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